No Blessing in Stressing

Stress and anxiety affect pretty much everyone. The sooner you begin to practice ways to manage your stress and anxiety the sooner you can focus on becoming the person you want to be and finding your path in the world. Below are some of the best methods for managing both. You can do all or try some. The important thing is that you have the tools in your toolbox for when the going gets tough.

1. Breathe. Really being attentive to our breathing in the moments where we may find ourselves overwhelmed, confused, or in a rush, will give you an immediate consciousness of your self, heighten your awareness, and bring everything into focus. I find that breathing is integral in meditation and prayer and, if you do either one, try to bring that same sense of peace and mindful breathing in those small moments throughout your day.

2. Exercise. It is backed by science and it keeps showing up in every wellness list for a reason! Putting your physical being through a state of physical stress, like a good old workout, is one effective and immediate way of alleviating your mental stress.

3. Reduce caffeine and sugar consumption whether it be in the form of coffee, tea, chocolate and energy drinks. They all increase cortisol levels and if you are dealing with anxiety and stress that will only make things worse. If you do consume any of the above try decreasing the amount, do not have any after 2 pm, or replace them with decaffeinated substitutes.

4. Write it down. Actually taking a few minutes and writing down everything that is bothering you and brainstorming steps to a possible solution usually help me in being able to reframe the issues that are increasing my sense of stress or anxiety.

5. Spend time with friends and family or pets. Strengthening our relationships with the people and animals we love is really overlooked in our digital lives nowadays but it is an incredible factor in adding more joy and increasing our sense of belonging and peace within our selves, our families and our communities.

6. Laugh. Do you know anyone who has been more stressed and anxious after a good laugh?
No? Neither do I.

7. Learn to say No. If you are stressed and anxious you could probably do well with taking on less not more. Remember, you have the power to politely decline, defer or withdraw if need be. Make sure you are doing the things that are important to you that you can actually put your heart into without spreading yourself thin. If you keep adding things onto your plate and getting more stressed you are not only committing a disservice to others but to yourself.

8. Avoid procrastinating. Leaving things until the last minute is a surefire way to ruin your schedule and health. One of the things I did as a student in order to avoid procrastinating on my assignments was to give myself a personal due date that would be scheduled for at minimum two days before the actual due date. This way I would give myself time to complete it, take a break from it, then edit it with fresh eyes. I was not only able to avoid procrastinating but I was able to proofread my work with new clarity that that extra time gave to me. You should try it. If you do let me know how well it works for you.

9. Listen to soothing music or sounds. This is not something that I think of usually when I am feeling stressed but something I always realize when I find myself walking in a forest or listening to calming instrumental music. Nature sounds and soothing music are such an incredible way to de-stress. If you don’t live by a forest, ocean or river just google the nature sounds of your choice, put on your headphones and close your eyes for 5 minutes. Combine that with slow deep breathing. Your heart rate will thank you.


Constructing the BridgeTO Success


New School Year, New Me!